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Why Video Marketing is Such a Great Way to Sell Real Estate

Why Video Marketing is Such a Great Way to Sell Real Estate

Video is cost effective and allows marketers to increase brand awareness and generate leads. Here are tips to boost your real estate marketing efforts with video.  


  • Video marketing is an ideal way to connect with your target audience, improve your social media engagement, and generate leads.
  • Marketing on Facebook and Instagram is all about finding the right balance between appealing to the personal while staying true to your brand.
  • In the end, it’s all about generating leads—and finding ways to boost your efforts when you can.

Real estate marketers know and understand the power of video marketing as a part of their digital strategy. With 85% of all internet users watching video content monthly, it’s time to start understanding how video can boost your marketing efforts. 

In our highly visual world, video marketing is an ideal way to connect with your target audience, improve your social media engagement, and generate leads. And best of all, video doesn’t require a large financial investment.  

Here are three ways video marketing can to take your marketing efforts to the next level: 

1. Establish your credibility and build your brand  

We live in a highly visual world, particularly when it comes to digital marketing. Real estate marketing with video is an immediate and effective way to reach your target audience and show them what makes your brand and properties unique. Remember, you want clients to associate your brand and properties with something informative, necessary, and, yes, even fun.  

If you leverage video marketing properly, you can strengthen your brand message, promote your name, and increase brand awareness. Sticking to content that abides by, or expands upon, your value proposition helps make this easy to achieve.   

2. Up your social media game 

Marketing on Facebook and Instagram is all about finding the right balance between appealing to the personal while staying true to your brand.   

Use video on your social channels to engage with your target audiences. Think of these videos as introductions to your properties and your brand, while giving followers the opportunity to engage with you.  

And social platforms are making it easier than ever for marketers to share video on their channels. From posting video on your Facebook page or Vimeo channel to creating videos for Stories, marketers have the ability to use social media to highlight their properties, as well as content with audiences. 

3. Show you know the area using real estate video marketing  

Whether your properties are rural, urban, or suburban, displaying knowledge of your location and community is crucial to cultivating credibility. Logan Link, a real estate marketer and agent, has capitalized on the power of video to help sell properties: 

“To today’s buyers, falling in love with a property is less about square footage and fixtures—HGTV has taught us all that we can do things like update a kitchen. Now, it’s all about how the home and neighborhood will make them feel; what daily life could be like in this new place.” 

Savvy marketers can use real estate video to demonstrate the culture and feel of the local neighborhoods, like popular restaurants and cafes. Don’t be afraid to take short videos (as simple as using your phone) to let followers know about upcoming events or festivals in the area. All of these videos will help viewers connect with the property’s location. 

Final thoughts 

As with any marketing endeavor, a crucial first step is a strategy. Video marketing is no different. A clear, documented video strategy for real estate, with measurable goals is crucial for success. In the end, it’s all about generating leads—and finding ways to boost your efforts when you can.  

What tactics have you used to help boost your video marketing efforts? 

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Should I Be Using Facebook Carousel Ads?

Should I Be Using Facebook Carousel Ads?

Facebook carousel ads helped one real estate company achieve a 63% increase in click-through rate and a 24% decrease in cost-per-acquisition.

Facebook carousel ads offer a highly visual and engaging way to promote your properties. Not only that, Kinetic Social recently found that carousel ads are up to 10 times more effective than static sponsored Facebook posts at driving traffic to advertisers’ websites. And if that’s not enough, they boast a 72% higher click-through rate than single-image mobile app ads.

The data makes it clear: Facebook carousel ads are absolutely something you should be using to promote your properties! Here’s a quick refresher on what they are, and some of our favorite tips for making the most of this promotional tool.

What’s a Facebook carousel ad?

This ad format integrates across Facebook and Instagram. It shows 3-5 images, headlines, links, and/or calls-to-action in a single ad unit, which users can click through. The “carousel” refers to the way images scroll horizontally across the screen, creating an engaging way for users to interact with your images. Each image has its own description and link, helping to drive traffic more effectively.

As you might expect, having the ability to showcase multiple images in an ad helps in lowering cost-per-conversion or -click, optimizing your creative output, and driving results across campaign objectives.

If it’s not already obvious, this format is a no-brainer for advertising real estate. Check out this spotlight from Facebook on Lamudi, an online real estate marketplace that used Facebook carousel ads to the tune of a 63% increase in click-through rate and a 24% decrease in cost-per-acquisition.

Using Facebook carousel ads

Creating a carousel ad is a simple process. It allows you to be creative and tell a story with the images you choose. Here are three easy steps for getting started:

1) Decide on your objective.

Having a defined goal is key when it comes to any content marketing, and carousel ad creation is no different. Facebook helps you target an objective, giving you the choice to select either “send people to your website” or “increase conversions.” Depending on your selection, an algorithm optimizes who sees your ad and when.

2) Create your ad.

Start by selecting “multiple images in one ad.” Next, get creative! Be sure to connect your ad to your Facebook page, and write a message that will stay on the screen over the images as users scroll through. Select 3-5 images, with a recommended size of 600 x 600 pixels each. You can write a separate headline and short description for each image.

3) Make the most of your images.

Facebook gives you the option to select “automatically show the best performing images and links first” — do it! This means that, as your campaign progresses, the image that’s getting the most clicks will appear first. However, if the story you’re trying to tell depends on the images appearing in a certain order (a before/after at a property, for example), uncheck this option.

The bottom line is that Facebook carousel ads are an extremely effective way to drive traffic to your properties.

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Write it Down: Why You Need a Digital Marketing Strategy

Write it Down: Why You Need a Digital Marketing Strategy

Having a documented digital marketing strategy increases brand awareness and provides a starting point for in-depth analytics. 


  • A digital marketing strategy should be clearly documented, enabling you to fine-tune and adjust sections — or the entire document — in response to analytics.  
  • From social media channels to blogs, enhanced customer engagement enables real estate brands to open a two-way communication with potential buyers (and renters).
  • A clearly articulated digital marketing strategy is the foundation of generating qualified real estate leads.

Digital marketing for real estate has become mandatory in recent years. With over 3.2 billion users globally, the internet has opened up countless opportunities for brands to connect with new and growing audiences — and the real estate industry has benefited in a major way.  According to recent market surveys, 92% of potential buyers do vigorous research online before making a home purchase.  

With luxury development projects on the rise in the Boston area as well as other metros across the country, a digital marketing strategy can give developers a competitive edge.  Note: The strategy should be clearly documented, enabling you to fine-tune and adjust sections — or the entire document — in response to analytics.  

Benefits of a documented digital marketing strategy 

Brand building 

To succeed in the highly competitive and dynamic real estate industry, you need a strong and reputable online presence. Using tools like workflows, search engine optimization, and social media, real estate marketers can grow brand awareness. Digital marketing allows you to attract potential buyers from a global market. From social media channels to blogs, enhanced customer engagement enables real estate brands to open a two-way communication with potential buyers (and renters). 

Higher conversion rate 

Digital marketing fosters a higher conversion rate of people who visit websites or social media platforms. Why? A well-designed digital marketing strategy nurtures leads and gives them reasons to return to your platforms where pointed calls-to-action and landing pages can capture their information. Establishing your online presence will help you showcase your luxury projects, allowing home buyers to explore purchasing options. Developers with updated and informed content increase their chances of engaging potential customers who are property hunting online.  

Increased exposure 

It’s no secret that digital marketing helps expand organic reach and increases exposure to new audiences. Geolocation marketing takes it a step further, letting marketers customize content for specific target audiences based on their physical location. Paid advertising on Facebook and Google, for instance, includes this feature. Put to practice, it means your ads target people in certain regions (geo-targeting is based on the visitor’s IP address) or when they enter certain areas that can be as narrow as a neighborhood or a few streets (geo-fencing uses a device’s GPS location). 

Lower acquisition costs 

Digital marketing offers real estate marketers costeffective options compared to traditional marketing methods. For example, in a matchup of cost per lead, digital marketing comes out on top.  

Performance analysis 

Digital marketing offers several analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, that help you track your marketing performance. Tracking your performance online will allow you to understand the nature of the market and the specific techniques that work for your audience. By monitoring keywords, search trends, and search volume, you can determine which keywords to use when optimizing your website.  

A clearly articulated digital marketing strategy is the foundation of generating qualified real estate leads. Write it down. Refer to it. Let analytics drive change. That’s how you stand out from the competition. 

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How Inbound Marketing for Real Estate Works to Improve Sales

How Inbound Marketing for Real Estate Works to Improve Sales

Increasingly, marketers are realizing the benefits of inbound marketing for real estate over outbound marketing, including cost savings and increased lead generation. 

Marketers are constantly coming up with new and trendy ways to attract leads. With endless platforms available to us, it can be overwhelming for even the most seasoned marketers to know where they need to focus their efforts.   

But what exactly does inbound marketing for real estate entail? 

In order to find the right solutions for your real estate marketing needs, you first have to understand the difference between inbound and outbound marketing. And more importantly, how they can help — or hinder — your marketing efforts. 

This is outbound marketing 

Outbound marketing describes any marketing approach that pushes a message onto a buyer or renter. Traditional marketing — TV and radio ads, telemarketing, banner and display ads — are all examples of outbound marketing. 

Another name for this marketing tactic is interruption marketing, as it typically tries to take “attention away from what your buyer is doing and bring it, forcibly, on to your product or service.” 

This is inbound marketing  

Inbound marketing focuses on audiences finding you. Instead of pushing a message onto buyers, inbound marketing allows you to establish your brand as an industry leader and let interested audiences come to you and your properties. This type of marketing attempts to draw in leads through interesting and engaging content. 

Content marketing is a type of inbound marketing. Examples include blog posts, social media, infographics, white papers, and videos. Inbound marketing for real estate, for instance, could include blog posts that talk up the neighborhood in which your property is located, infographics that explain the purchasing process, or a white paper on how to search for an apartment.  

Why is inbound marketing for real estate a good fit?  

Outbound marketing used to be the “go-to” for generating leads, but this is simply no longer the case. Marketers across industries have found that inbound marketing has many advantages over traditional marketing practices. In fact, almost three quarters (68%) of inbound organizations believe their marketing strategy is effective, while more than half (52%) of outbound marketers don’t believe their strategy is effective.  

According to Placester’s Matthew Bushery, “inbound is all about enticing the right buyers and/or sellers through sharing materials and resources that make them want to engage with you, rather than figuratively shoving your self-promotional messaging down their throats with over-the-top, aggressive, and — most importantly — wasteful marketing schemes.” 

That’s why we think inbound marketing for real estate is better for marketers than outbound marketing. 

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Social Media Trends for 2018 Real Estate Marketers Need to Know

Social Media Trends for 2018 Real Estate Marketers Need to Know

Augmented reality, streaming video, and local experiences are 3 social media trends to try in 2018.

If there’s one thing real estate marketers can be sure of in the coming year, it’s that social media will continue to dominate the marketing landscape. Social media presents tremendous opportunity, particularly if you’re aware of upcoming trends.

“While the job of marketing and selling a house once required a lot of legwork on behalf of the agent or seller, many of the tasks associated with listing and promoting are much easier thanks to social media,” says Realty Times blogger Megan Wild.

Here are 3 social media trends for 2018 that you need to know about.

3 social media trends for 2018

1) Augmented reality

Just a few years ago, this seemed like purely Sci-Fi territory. But what was once wild fantasy is quickly making its way into real life.

Last year, for example, Apple announced that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X would incorporate a new chip that enables users them to provide users with augmented reality experiences. Google Glass may have been a flop, but now Facebook, Google, and Snap are all also throwing their hats into the augmented reality ring.

So what does this mean for real estate marketing? This technology is still in its early stages, and the possibilities will continue to develop as capabilities grow. But already sellers are using augmented reality and virtual reality to display potential color themes, floor plans, and possible renovations.

2) Streaming video

As video capabilities on smartphones and other devices continue to skyrocket, services like Instagram Stories, Facebook Live, and Snapchat are changing the way people interact with the world. According to, “about 80% of consumers would rather watch a live video from a brand than read a blog, and 82% would prefer live video to written social media updates.”

If you haven’t already started to make use of these platforms, it’s time to jump on the bandwagon. What was once a cool idea for reaching your audience is now the expectation for brands.

You can optimize your videos in all kinds of ways, like location tags, titles, and targeted descriptions. “Buyers no longer have to spend their days traveling and visiting different open houses,” says Wild. And “instead of spending their time preparing hosting open houses to advertise their new properties, agents can use high-definition video to provide a detailed tour.”

3) Local and personal experiences

Every new technological boom comes with a price. Social media marketing is incredibly popular for a reason, but increased volume means an increased presence of brand-written content, which in turn leads to brand fatigue among buyers. As a result, local and personal experiences are moving into the forefront. Online consumers want local, interpersonal interactions.

While it may seem like more work, this is great news and presents a lot of opportunities for real estate marketers. Real estate is local by its very nature. The more content you share on social media that focuses on place (e.g. local restaurants, entertainment, community events), the more of a personal connection you forge with your audience. Ultimately, that connection is what social media is all about.

What social media trends are you trying in 2018?

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